
Möjliga synonymer till wham
- affrap
- bat
- blatter
- bonk [ slang ]
- bop
- bowl
- club
- dash
- flog
- hit
- jab
- knock
- lick
- loft
- plug
- punch
- ram
- slosh
- smite
- swing
- thrash
- throb
- thump
- toll
- trounce
- dress down
- beat
- baste
- bastinado
- batter
- bong
- bruise
- buffet
- cane
- chop
- clobber
- clock
- clout
- connect [ collegial ]
- cudgel
- cut
- dial [ telephony ]
- ding
- flap
- get
- hack [ sport ]
- hammer
- lash
- palpitate
- pound
- rap
- skunk
- slam
- slash
- slog
- slug
- smack
- throw
- thwack
- zap


Möjliga synonymer till wham
- bang
- bash
- beat
- body-blow
- bonk
- buffet
- clap
- click
- clout
- crack
- crump
- drive [ sport ]
- flick
- flip
- knock
- lash
- leg
- percussion
- punch [ sport ]
- sideswipe
- slam
- slap
- slog
- slug
- smack
- spat [ collegial ]
- splat
- stint
- strike
- thump
- wallop
- whop
- banging
- bat
- batting [ sport ]
- belt
- blow
- bruise
- chop [ tennis ]
- clack
- clash
- clip
- crash
- cut [ sport and recreation ]
- dint
- flap
- hit [ sport ]
- jab
- pop
- rap
- report
- shock
- shot
- slash
- smacking
- smash
- snap
- spank
- stroke
- stroking
- swash
- swat
- swing
- throb
- thwack
- whack
- whang
- slashing [ ice hockey ]
- stretch [ seafaring ]
- bop
- puck [ irish english ]
- tap [ sport ]

Vad betyder WHAM inom förkortning, data ?
Waveform Hold and Modify, ursprung Microsoft