

Hur används ordet care

  • "Routes should be selected with care"
  • "Details about the range of childcare offered for children"
  • "he handled the vase with care"
  • "care had aged him"
  • "no medical care was required"
  • "he is under the care of a physician"
  • "He makes a lifestyle of "Hakuna Matata", no responsibilities, no cares"
  • "Up to that time she was always looked upon as completely free from care"
  • "You shouldn't go around looking as if you've got all the cares of the world on your shoulders.""
  • "his major care was the illness of his wife"
  • "Knowing how to take care of the aquarium makes the experience all the more enjoyable"
  • "In captivity, with appropiate care, they can live 4 to 5 years"
  • "The child needs special supervision and care for at least six months"
  • "Management and Care of an Archaeological Site"
  • "he wrote the manual on car care"
  • "What is the standard of care?"
  • "These patients still need a lot of care"
  • "Health care workers (HCWs) infected with influenza can transmit the virus to patients in their care"
  • "Motorists are urged to drive with care"
  • "Please take care on these dangerous trails"
  • "Great care is adviced when doing dangerous things like this"
  • "He treats life as fragile, to be handled with care"
  • "Hospital failed in care for child, says report"

Ordet care har 5 betydelser

  • Inom ALLMÄNT
  • Inom medicin
  • Inom ALLMÄNT
  • Inom ALLMÄNT
  • Inom ALLMÄNT

Vad betyder care inom ALLMÄNT ?

the work of caring for or attending to someone or something attention and management implying responsibility for safety

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Ordet care inom medicin

Översättningar (inom medicin)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom medicin)

Ordet care inom ALLMÄNT

activity involved in maintaining something in good working order

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Ordet care inom ALLMÄNT

a cause for feeling concern

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Ordet care inom ALLMÄNT

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Diskussion om ordet care

  • inspection - 2008-09-15




Synonymer till care (inom ALLMÄNT)

Hur används ordet care

  • "I really care about my work"
  • "I don't care"
  • "The nurse was caring for the wounded"

Ordet care har 4 betydelser

  • Inom hundar
  • Inom ekonomi
  • Inom mat
  • Inom vardagligt

Vad betyder care inom hundar ?

To be mindful of.

Översättningar (inom hundar)

Synonymer till care (inom hundar)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom hundar)

Ordet care inom ekonomi

feel concern or interest

Översättningar (inom ekonomi)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom ekonomi)

Ordet care inom mat

provide care for

Översättningar (inom mat)

Synonymer till care (inom mat)

Möjliga synonymer till care (inom mat)

Ordet care inom vardagligt

Översättningar (inom vardagligt)

Synonymer till care (inom vardagligt)

Diskussion om ordet care


Substantiv [m]

Översättningar (inom vardagligt)


Vad betyder cadre inom militärväsen ?

a nucleus of military personnel capable of expansion

Möjliga synonymer till cadre

Diskussion om ordet cadre