
Hur används ordet toll
- "The bell tolls when it is time to go to church."
Vad betyder toll inom sjöfart ?
to cause (a large bell) to sound with single strokes slowly and regularly repeated, as for summoning a congregation to church, or esp. for announcing a death;
to sound or strike (a knell, the hour, etc.) by such strokes
to sound or strike (a knell, the hour, etc.) by such strokes
Möjliga synonymer till toll
- affrap
- bat
- blatter
- bonk [ slang ]
- bop
- bowl
- club
- dash
- flog
- hit
- jab
- knock
- knoll
- lick
- loft
- peal
- plug
- preach
- promulgate
- pronounce
- punch
- ram
- slosh
- smite
- swing
- thrash
- throb
- thump
- trounce
- be on the phone
- dress down
- ring in
- beat
- annunciate
- baste
- bastinado
- batter
- bong
- bruise
- buffet
- buzz
- call
- cane
- chime
- chop
- clobber
- clock
- clout
- connect [ collegial ]
- cudgel
- cut
- dial [ telephony ]
- ding
- flap
- get
- hack [ sport ]
- hammer
- herald
- lash
- palpitate
- phone [ telephony ]
- pound
- proclaim
- rap
- ring
- skunk
- slam
- slash
- slog
- slug
- smack
- speak
- telephone [ telephony ]
- throw
- thwack
- trumpet
- wham
- enunciate
- zap
