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Diskussion om ordet report


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Hur används ordet report

  • "European price report är en analys av fiskmarknaden som görs av FN:s livsmedelsorgan FAO."
  • "Security services could be given extra powers after a damning report about potential Russian interference in UK politics."
  • "Vi tittar närmare på resultaten i FN:s World happiness report."
  • "I didn ’ t want to report it then and I don ’ t want to report it now, ” says the monk ’ s superior."
  • "I didn ’ t want to report it then and I don ’ t want to report it now, ” says the monk ’ s superior."
  • "The municipalities guardian, which should control the trustees work, did never file a police report."
  • "Only one police report"
  • "– I called the guardian in Skovde and asked him if we should report it to the police at once and he said “ no ”, remembers Marianne Wallgren."
  • "If the municipality had filed a police report it would have been an independent investigation to establish what has happened."
  • "The municipality did not report"

Vad betyder report inom aktier ?


Möjliga synonymer till report

Diskussion om ordet report

  • - 2009-05-14
