
Hur används ordet persecute
- "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union"
Vad betyder persecute inom däggdjur ?
cause to suffer
Möjliga synonymer till persecute
- badger
- dog
- excruciate
- follow
- harry
- haunt
- infest
- menace
- pain
- plague
- scathe
- scourge
- stalk
- sting
- tantalise
- tantalize
- torment
- torture
- victimize
- afflict
- aggrieve
- agonise
- agonize
- ail [ archaic ]
- bother
- cark
- chevvy
- chevy
- chivvy
- chivy
- claw [ collegial ]
- distress
- get
- harass
- haze
- importune
- pester
- pursue
- trouble
- try