


Synonymer till lightly

Hur används ordet lightly

  • "apply paint lightly"
  • "one cannot say such things lightly"
  • "she kissed him lightly on the forehead"
  • "we eat lightly in the morning"
  • "he took it lightly"
  • "her speech is only lightly accented"

Ordet lightly har 2 betydelser

  • Inom generell
  • Inom ALLMÄNT

Vad betyder lightly inom generell, generell, generell, generell, generell, generell ?

without good reason

with little weight or force

indulging with temperance

with indifference or without dejection

to a slight degree

(inom generell)

Synonymer till lightly (inom generell)

Ordet lightly inom ALLMÄNT

with few burdens

Översättningar (inom ALLMÄNT)

Synonymer till lightly (inom ALLMÄNT)

Möjliga synonymer till lightly (inom ALLMÄNT)

Diskussion om ordet lightly