


Hur används ordet kind

  • "hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"
  • "take a kindly interest"
  • "a kindly gentleman"
  • "a kind climate"
  • "kind to sick patients"
  • "a kind master"
  • "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"
  • "thanked her for her kind letter"
  • "kind words of praise"
  • "compassionate toward disadvantaged people"
  • "kind to animals"
  • "a humane judge"
  • "a dry climate kind to asthmatics"
  • "helping an old lady with her bundles was his kind deed for the day"
  • "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke"

Ordet kind har 2 betydelser

  • Inom post
  • Inom generell

Ordet kind inom post

Översättningar (inom post)

Synonymer till kind (inom post)

Ordet kind inom generell

having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior


expressing sympathy

characterized by mercy, and compassion


helpful to other people

tolerant and forgiving under provocation

showing consideration and anticipation of needs

(inom generell)

Synonymer till kind (inom generell)

Uttryck till kind (inom generell)

Ord i uttryck för kind (inom generell)

kind är en/ett (inom generell)

Möjliga synonymer till kind (inom generell)

Diskussion om ordet kind