
Substantiv [n]



Synonymer till has

Hur böjs ordet has på svenska?

Obestämd singular: has
Bestämd singular: hasen
Obestämd plural: hasor
Bestämd plural: hasorna

Hur används ordet has

  • "Daniel Bodin from Malung is the first one in the world to do a double backflip on a snowmobile – something he has been preparing himself for the last two years."
  • "– In this sport you want to see how far you can go and then it s fun to do something that no one else has done before."
  • "Since no one else has succeeded with the trick before, Daniel felt he had to start from scratch and had to test different techniques along the way – careful preparations had to be made when building the snowmobile, as well as the facility."
  • "How the jump may impact his career in the future, is nothing that Daniel has thought of yet."
  • "– Vi förväntar oss trovärdig information så att transportmyndigheten ( KBA ) kan utreda om liknande manipulering has ägt rum i Tyskland eller i Europa, säger en talesperson för miljödepartementet, enligt AFP."
  • "Altogether, the network has attacked computers in 31 countries."
  • "The company that owns the connection doesn ’ t want to tell us who is hiding behind the computers, but several experts SVT has talked to say that the evidence points to Russian organised crime."
  • "It s corrupt, and it s corrupting in both the places where it has been stolen from and where it s washing through."
  • "The firm s CEO Thomas Borgen has now resigned,"
  • "“ His action has resulted in a complete loss of my confidence, but he cannot be dismissed, if it was possible I would have done so ”"

Vad betyder has inom anatomi ?

del av bakbenet hos fyrfota djur, mellan skan­ken och skenbenet (motsvaras av hälen och vristen hos människan)

Möjliga synonymer till has

Diskussion om ordet has




  • has  [ anatomi ]

Diskussion om ordet has