Relaterat till Boreas
- Afrodite
- Amor
- Apollo
- Artemis
- Atropos
- Aurora
- Backus [ mytologi ]
- Boreas
- Ceres
- Diana
- Dionysos
- Eolus
- Eros
- Febus
- Hefaistog
- Herkules
- Hermes
- Hiera
- Juno [ mytologi ]
- Jupiter [ astronomi ]
- Jupiter [ planeter ]
- Kloto
- Kupido
- Lakesis
- Luna
- Merkuriusstav
- Minerva [ mytologi ]
- Minerva [ namn ]
- Neptunus [ planeter ]
- Orfeus
- ormstav
- Pallas Atena
- Pan [ mytologi ]
- Persefone [ mytologi ]
- Pluto [ astronomi ]
- Poseidon
- Proserpina
- Sefyr
- Selene
- Venus [ mytologi ]
- vingud [ dryck ]
- Vulkanus
- Zeus
Hur används ordet Boreas
- "Boreas was pictured as bearded and powerful and winged and draped against the cold"
Vad betyder Boreas inom generell, generell ?
(Greek mythology) the god who personified the north wind