
Substantiv [-]

Vad betyder backcasting inom ekonomi ?

a method in which the future desired conditions are envisioned and steps are then defined to attain those conditions, rather than taking steps that are merely a continuation of present methods extrapolated into the future

Diskussion om ordet backcasting


Substantiv [-]



Vad betyder backcasting inom ekonomi ?

Utifrån det framtida mål man är överens om går man bakåt mot nutiden, och kan då bryta ned det långsiktiga målet.

Möjliga synonymer till backcasting

Diskussion om ordet backcasting

  • - 2009-05-15

    ordet finns i detta sammanhang: "The back-casting approach is employed for developing the model, by starting at a particular future scenario and defining backward by fulfilling the needed outcomes in order to link the future with the present."