almond cake

almond cakes



Synonymer till almond cake

Hur används ordet almond cake

  • "we enjoyed a piece of almond cake [gateau d'amande] as we stopped for lunch at a small outdoor café near Place Farhat Hached in Sousse, Tunisia"

Ordet almond cake har 2 betydelser

  • Inom mat
  • Inom mat (afrika)
mat (afrika)

Vad betyder almond cake inom mat ?

a tender cookie baked in an oval, creased mould, from a dough of wheat and almonds

Översättningar (inom mat)


Ordet almond cake inom mat (afrika)

a Tunisian speciality from the time for the French colonisation, made from grounded almonds and eggs, sprinkled with powdered sugar

Översättningar (inom mat (afrika))


Synonymer till almond cake (inom mat (afrika))

Möjliga synonymer till almond cake (inom mat (afrika))

Diskussion om ordet almond cake