

Hur används ordet structural

  • "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth's surface"
  • "structural unemployment in a technological society"
  • "structural engineer"
  • "structural errors"
  • "structural simplicity"
  • "structural damage"
  • ""the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements""

Ordet structural har 2 betydelser

  • Inom generell
  • Inom biologi

Vad betyder structural inom generell, generell, generell, generell, generell ?

relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure

relating to or having or characterized by structure

affecting or involved in structure or construction;

concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study

Möjliga synonymer till structural (inom generell)

Möjliga synonymer till structural (inom generell)

Ordet structural inom biologi

Översättningar (inom biologi)


Möjliga synonymer till structural (inom biologi)

Diskussion om ordet structural