

Hur används ordet comfortable

  • "comfortable clothes"
  • "comfortable suburban houses"
  • "made himself comfortable in an armchair"
  • "the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable"
  • "are you comfortable?"
  • "was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared"
  • "the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong"
  • "was comfortable in his religious beliefs"
  • "she's a comfortable person to be with"
  • "she felt comfortable with her fiance's parents"
  • "the home team had a comfortable lead"
  • "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards"

Ordet comfortable har 4 betydelser

  • Inom generell
  • Inom mat
  • Inom vin
  • Inom ekonomi

Vad betyder comfortable inom generell, generell ?

providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief; (`comfy' is informal as in "feeling comfy now?")

Översättningar (inom generell)

Synonymer till comfortable (inom generell)

Möjliga synonymer till comfortable (inom generell)

Ordet comfortable inom mat

free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind

Översättningar (inom mat)

Möjliga synonymer till comfortable (inom mat)

Ordet comfortable inom vin

more than adequate

Översättningar (inom vin)

Möjliga synonymer till comfortable (inom vin)

Ordet comfortable inom ekonomi

in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich

Översättningar (inom ekonomi)

Synonymer till comfortable (inom ekonomi)

Möjliga synonymer till comfortable (inom ekonomi)

Diskussion om ordet comfortable

  • - 2011-01-23

    Bra till mods In action: T.ex: "A woman who's been attacked is usually more comfortable with a woman rather than a man." "En kvinna som blivit attackerad känner sig oftast bättre till mods med en kvinna istället för en man."



Översättningar (inom ekonomi)

Synonymer till conformable (inom ekonomi)

Hur används ordet conformable

  • "plans conformable with your wishes"
  • "I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable -Shakespeare"

Ordet conformable har 3 betydelser

  • Inom matematik
  • Inom generell
  • Inom lingvistik

Ordet conformable inom matematik

Översättningar (inom matematik)

Ordet conformable inom generell

quick to comply

Ordet conformable inom lingvistik

Synonymer till conformable (inom lingvistik)

Diskussion om ordet conformable